Sunday, June 9

Moving Soon!

Moving soon - WordPress here we come?!
Ok, so before I get on about the move, I have to tell you about this awesome photo editor/collage maker that I found for FREE!  With it I made the cool vintage pin-able text-on-photo picture above.  {Yes, that's me... a lot of years ago!} is the website.  Photos are perfect for Pinterest!  Now that my happy rant is over...

YES!  We're moving soon!  Nothing new in my life {so far}, though this time I'm not having to pack any suitcases or boxes.  I'm a little apprehensive and a bit scared, so I decided I'd blog about it to get it out there and face my fear!  Mostly, it's because it's a one-way move - can't go back - AND it costs $$. Which of course makes me have to think about it for forever before making a final decision.  Where are we going?  Actually, I'm just sitting here on my couch, but I am debating {well, probably 90% decided} about moving my blog to a site.  What does that mean for you?  No worries!  Bear with me in the upcoming renovation stages as it changes looks and colors and hopefully in a couple months it will have a fresh new face and be a whole lot more user-friendly for you, the reader!  So, just sit back and chill while I excitedly figure out how to make this move happen!

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