Wednesday, June 5

Criteria for Credibility

cred-i-bil-i-ty  |ˌkredəˈbilitē|
the quality of being trusted and believed in
the quality of being convincing or believable
the quality or power of inspiring belief

The Question

How much is enough to be able to speak into someone’s life?  Basically, what is required for me to be 'credible' in the information I give (spoken or written)?  I am using 'speak into someone's life' to mean give advice to help them, counsel/mentor, encourage or challenge a position they hold, give a different perspective to make them think about something, answer a question, debate a topic and even just in the general conversations of my everyday life. 

Levels of Influence

Talking to a friend is different from 
being a major public figure as a speaker;
personal notes/email is different than a personal blog,
which is different than a popular blog with thousands of readers,
which is different from someone who writes for a national newspaper or a New York Times bestselling author. 

I realize there are different levels of this.  I am referring to starting out with a small circle of influence (family members, friends over the years, up to several hundred FB friends or blog readers), but I think the question is still true for even famous people.  Also, what one has to say may not be applicable or the right timing to everyone so you don’t know whom it may reach (speak to).

What makes me (or anyone) credible?

Because you have a PASSION about something?
Does being POPULAR or having many FANS & FOLLOWERS give credibility?
How about TRAINING/EDUCATION/KNOWLEDGE on the subject?
Or do you need to have PERSONAL EXPERIENCE?
Should you be an EXPERT on the topic?

Let's break these down a little:

1.     PASSION
Someone who cares about their topic makes it much more interesting than someone who has no interest in what they’re trying to present and often this makes them come across as more credible.  How much passion is enough?

Just because you’re Justin Beiber, Rob Bell or Oprah doesn’t mean that they really have authority to give information on the topic even though many will blindly follow… and if they give their opinion, how do we know they are not just doing it for the $$?   Sadly, movie stars and others don’t even need to have passion or personal conviction/opinion for whatever it is; just being paid enough to do the [advertisement] is enough to lead the world towards... something.  It would be cool to have that much influence (not sure it's the best way though).  How popular do I need to be?

These are formed from our worldview and may be on every aspect of life.  This is what most people’s talk of politics consists of (unless they have had personal experience in [position] or have had much education on the topic.  How do we judge who's ideas count or who does not have the right to their own opinion?  Isn’t everything we say/write one of these three – an idea, our opinion, or a conviction we hold?  If this is not enough, who are we to open our mouths?  

4.     AGE
A command from the Bible is “Older [women] teach the younger [women]”… does that mean you have to be “old” or just oldER than the other person?  What about the verse “do not let anyone look down on you because you are young…”?  As long as you can set an example does age not matter?  If this is the criteria, then we are saying it is better to just sit around and wait for time to pass so you get old rather than doing your best to work hard, gather information, learn, and be a smart young person who can share their knowledge with others.  (Oh wait, I can only speak into someone's life if I'm old so scratch that last part.)  How long do I have to wait?

How much?  A one-day class?  A four-year degree?  A doctorate, a PhD?  I can KNOW the dangers of smoking and caution others against it without having tried it – no personal experience – myself; also I can have a conviction about it in my personal life that will influence my opinions and what I tell people.   With google we now all think we can have more knowledge, while often the majority of information out there is just other people’s opinions… people just like us who may or may not be more educated than us.  Well, I never went to college, yet anyway, so am I screwed?  Again I ask, how much knowledge is enough?

Can you have one child and give advice on parenting?  One one-night stand to tell teens not to do it or do you need to have had multiple sexual partners?  Would you have had to have home schooled – as in taught - all 12 grades before you could talk on it, or is having been home schooled enough to give ideas and advice?  Yes, we learn from others’ mistakes, but could we also learn from someone who has been strong/made wise choices the entire time?  If they haven't tried both sides, then is their experience really good enough?  How much experience is enough?

7.     EXPERT
What constitutes an “expert”?  There’s always more one could learn or experience.  How do I know when I have become an expert?

We all have the tendency to judge if someone has the credibility to be speaking/writing on a topic. 
What if their wisdom is not from them, and God has given them His words to say? (like Jer. 1:6-9)  Can it be helpful to some people?  Can God use it?  Even if they are young and seemingly uneducated?

An ‘easy answer’ is “if God tells you to say/do that… then all these things (above) do not matter it just matters that you’re doing what God has called you to” (lays it on their heart, burdened for it, whatever term you want to use).  How do we know if it is really God or just our wants and desires?  What if people don’t believe us? If there are moral absolutes and we know them, then we can repeat what [God] says with authority, though the danger is if someone is interpreting it wrong or twisting what is said.  What if the influential people leading are misled (false prophets, Rob Bell, etc.)?  What if they/I are deceived themselves/myself in how they/I interpret things or if they/I have seared their/my conscience and think they/I are/am still doing right?  

Let's say I am actually wrong, but I think I am right.  Ok, so hopefully others will point it out and correct me, but what if 50% agree and 50% disagree?  What if 90% agree, so it seems that majority would be right, but actually the smaller group, the narrow way is what is really true and right and good?  

How about if I am right but others don't see it.  Could people you really respect have made a mistake or have been wrong (after all, no one is perfect)?  If I am unsure if I am right or wrong and looking for guidance, if I take their advice then I will think I am wrong when really I was right...  Is anyone else confused yet?

Obviously we have to take everything we hear, see and read and compare it… to a standard.  Some sort of standard that probably cannot be exactly identical to any other person's because it exists in our mind.  Then it boils down to whose advice or counsel we will take, from a Christian perspective, as most Biblical, and usually the people we think of are the ones that have the most credibility or authority on the topic in our minds.  Whatever that means to us; which above criteria we prioritize and value.  Which leads us back in a circle and brings me to my hypothesis.  (Maybe this is not new, but I have not read or heard anything on the topic so this is my original idea.)

Hypothesis on Credibility

Credibility is subjective

Just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  My credibility actually has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with if YOU think I have authority to speak/write on topic xyz.

Because credibility is only perceived.  Credibility is defined by the receiver of the information.  It is us making a judgement on if the information-giver meets our criteria for what we decide is enough authority for them to be mentoring/leading/teaching/rebuking us.  (Sometimes, it is based upon whether we like them or agree with them.)  There it is again.  That word enough.

You tell me how much is enough to be able to speak into someone's life.  I've already tried and maybe you didn't even make it to reading this far because you already deemed me as not credible enough.  You are the receiver, so you are the judge.  If you made it this far, I still hope you take everything I say understanding it's my opinion and ideas which are formed from my values and beliefs.  I do my best to make sure there are many good reasons to trust what I say/write aside from you liking me - like if it is Biblical, if it is backed by medical or scientific research, or if a lot of other people you trust as credible agree and are saying similar things - and I hope you make an informed decision (probably using some of the criteria above).  If it's an idea, hey why not try it and decide whether it works for you or not.  If it's just a piece of writing, enjoy it for what it is and laugh.  By all means question everything you say, hear or read.  But try to do so with an open mind, willing to let go of some preconceived, possibly even long-held, ideas.  Like not taking young people seriously because surely they have nothing knowledgable to say because they don't have enough life experience/education/years lived/etc.  Some of them might surprise you!  Life is a lot more pleasant when you focus on the beauty.  Those who don't are known as cynics.      

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