Saturday, March 17

10 Reasons I love Warm Weather

Top 10 list of why I love warm* weather:

*'Warm' being defined as temperatures at or above 65 degrees F and not exceeding 80 degrees F, with no more than 60% humidity, and a breeze 

1.  Open up the windows and let that lovely breeze in!!!

2.  It is the perfect sleeping weather with the windows open (see reason above)!  Just ask my hubby; I can sleep a LONG time in these good conditions!

3.  It is not freezing when you get out of bed.

4.  The toilet seat is not cold.

5.  Sunshine is a great anti-depressant and helps me be in a great mood!  If it rains, as in more tropical parts of the world, it is warm enough to splash in the puddles and run in the soaking rain!  See?  Warm weather is always happy!  :D

6.  There are almost exactly 12 hours of daylight, which is perfect in my book!

7.  The dishwater stays hot for longer.  (Which reminds me, I should get back to that soon! ;))

8.  With short sleeves and less layers than in winter, you feel so light and free!  And if you still want or have to wear long pants, it is not unbearably uncomfortable.

9.  It is warm enough to wear my favorite footwear - barefoot or flip-flops, the closest you can get to natural!

10.  The outdoors just CALLS in this temperature weather!  The birds are back and are singing (and I'm pretty sure all the other kinds of animals are "twitter-pated" :P)  I could just LIVE outdoors!

...but unfortunately I can't.  Dishes, laundry, laying plywood pre-flooring, and a host of other things all require me to be inside.  And I better get back to it now!  See #7 for what I was doing, before this warm weather made my thoughts run faster and the words flow better and I just HAD to come write!  Such a glorious day begs to be appreciated by those enjoying it!

P.S.  For St. Patrick's Day, I will have you know that our grass along our ditches is the greenest around!

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