Thursday, October 27

STILL in bed!?

I am sick of being in bed! Oh wait, that is WHY I am in bed - because I am sick! :(

Just FYI, a UTI is no fun. Go look it up. It's awkward... this is embarrassing... Ok, fine. It stands for urinary tract infection, which has spread to infect my kidney. A LOT of pain as all those little bacteria eat out my insides! :(

We are working on treating it... I am drowning myself in all the liquids I am drinking! Hospital = $$$, so unless it's absolutely necessary, I don't like to run in for every petty little thing. So I am on some homeopathic "remedies"! It's... interesting!

Doesn't that look like enough "remedies" and drinks and potions to cure any ailment???!

This was written yesterday (Wed.) and the update today (Thur.) is...  not much better. :/  I have been sick for five days now, and basically bedridden for four of those...

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