Pastor loaned Ben these two DVDs - they were round and smooth... ok, enough with the skipping stones analogy! - to watch as part of pre-marital counseling a year and a half ago. Those DVDs, on managing finances by Dave Ramsey, started us on a journey that has really just begun! Nearly every day since then, Ben has listened to the Dave Ramsey Show podcast for wisdom, entertainment, and motivation. He even called in the other day with a question!
1. Click on the link:
2. Go to "Archives" and choose Thur June 21, 2012
3. Wait for it to load, then move the slider to 1:41 and it will be Ben's call on live air! :)
What have we found out? We're incredibly grateful to our parents (both sides) for giving us a great foundation and the basic wise principles for handling money - give, save, spend and don't spend more than you make - but we don't want to stop there! There's so much more to learn! Investing, mortgages, mutual funds, saving for retirement, how and when to buy a house, emergency fund, life insurance, etc. etc. There's a great teacher out there for this kind of stuff - Dave Ramsey! (as Larry Burkett was for our parents' and grandparents' generation) He teaches smart financial stewardship from a Christian perspective. Just what we needed!
So we enrolled in (or rather, became group coordinators for) Financial Peace University (FPU), a 13-week course on dumping debt, making a budget, and learning to 'live like no one else, so later you can live like no one else!' (and GIVE like no one else!) We're doing it with three other young couples, just married or soon to be married.
Cutting up our credit cards! |
You CAN retire rich!
You CAN change your family tree!
Try it! Here's a FREE quick budget tool! Check it out!
And now guess what??! It's not just changing the lives of the four couples in the class; by living it out it is impacting a generation up (all of our parents), slowly but surely changing the behavior of coworkers, and even helping other young couples far away make a budget and get inspired! Lord willing, come fall we'll host the class again and open it up to more families from our church and community!
By God's grace the ripple will become a tsunami.