20:35 Picked up a hitchhiker! The dude's name is Herman and in good Sahlstrom fashion we are bringing him along to family camp!
21:05 Herman peed. The rest of us have to wait till we stop.
23:17 Charisma just declared that Herman is NOT allowed to have a french fry! Charisma the good nanny; she is babysitting him and taking good care that he does not climb out and bite Ben or me. And ever the good little mother, "It is time for you to go to SLEEP now, Herman!" as she whaps him down with her flip-flop.
23:55 We finally found a river. And Herman had to go. Bye bye, turtle!
00:00 Just finished chatting with my Aussie mate! Tummy's full with an almost-midnight snack at MickeyD's we have three(?) out so far, 4 to go... and Ben better not fall asleep! ;)
02:05 Arrived at the camp! Woke everyone and stopped at the outhouse.
02:45 Van's unloaded and all the kids are settled! Ben took sleepy night pictures and now it's time for him and I to turn in! Can't wait for tomorrow!!!
[Later: I think I was sleeping soon after 3am... Ben was a different story! He did so well staying alert and driving us safely that he was wired and took a while to wind down! In the end he slept from about 4am to 6:45! Only 6:54??!!!! I slept until a good 10:30 or so... and was the second to last person to get up! :)]
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