Sunday, May 12

Pregnancy Update

A week later and I'm still bummed about missing that grilled BBQ chicken!  Going to the emergency room is probably a good enough reason, but now with that episode behind us, I'm sad about that chicken!

Monday (May 6) night I was having too many contractions in an hour and despite our best efforts to get them stopped, nothing was working.  Following our plan of action, we called the hospital and tried everything I could do at home that they recommended.  They said if the 5-minute apart contractions didn't stop - they didn't stop - we had better come in - so we drove in.  I am so thankful for many things, 1) it was not the ambulance/air care drama that it would have been had I been in active labor,  2) while we worked to get contractions stopped Ben had enough time to run around and put together a little suitcase for me - it's nice to have your own stuff and somehow helped me feel more "prepared"!

I was hospitalized for two days while they got the contractions under control with medication, gave me Betamethasone (a corticosteroid - steroids for baby's lung development) shots that will give him a lot better chance if born early, and kept an eye on my cervix (1cm dilated, 70% effaced).  3) SO thankful we got the lung steroid shots in time!  They have to be given at least 48 hours before delivery for them to be effective. :)

4) We got these ADORABLE pictures of our little man from the 3-D ultrasound!  I'm even more thankful that he weighs 2# 2oz; somehow that just sounds better than having a preemie that is 1# something!  He was measuring a few days ahead by their count, but he is right on for how far along I am by MY count!  #mamaknowsbest ;)

The perinatologist discharged us from our whirlwind hospital stay, but doesn't want us to go home because two hours is too far away at this stage (for baby, to see how my body responds to the meds, etc).  I will have a check-up on Wednesday and they'll re-evaluate my situation and there's a possibility we could go back home.  5) It IS comforting being close to the hospital that has a NICU...  The doctor says all things considered, he'd be very pleased if I could make it to 30-32 weeks along.  So now we know what would be considered a miracle in their eyes!

We are staying in Sioux Falls at the Ronald McDonald House for the week!  6) This relaxing home-like atmosphere only a block away from the hospital and NICU is such a blessing!  Save your pop tabs for this cool charity!  Despite everyone being here for their children in the hospital with cancer/surgeries/in NICU/high-risk pregnancy, it is a happy place, a place with sunshine and laughter!  7) We are so blessed our little guy is safe inside and not fighting for his life like some of the others here.

Here are some medical words that we are becoming very familiar with and if you want to learn LOTS more - more details than you ever wanted to know about pre-term labor and more, follow the links! :)

Perinatologist - an OB/GYN doctor who specializes in high risk pregnancies

NICU - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, ICU for preemies, newborns and babies with complications  (take a tour here!)

I am on 10mg of Procardia every 6 hours.  A more detailed explanation on it's use for pregnancy can be found here.

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