Wednesday, September 28

Too much time in the house?

The greatest paradox in our house is our washing machine.  This would be washing machine #4 (our current and longest-lasting one so far).  Anyway, this 'Heavy Duty' beast which has 'Oversize Capacity' is also (apparently) of the 'Quiet Series'.  Now you have to understand, this is the washing machine that has scared me many a time thinking there is a burglar banging around in my pantry, or that I have an elephant stomping in the kitchen!  When the load gets off-balance during the spin cycle it goes "THUMP, THUMP, THUMP!"  Along with that, it also is able - of it's own accord - to shake around and move itself several feet out from the wall!  As you can imagine this is quite disturbing.  To go in to change a load and find the washing machine has moved!  By itself!  And then there is the screech.  The gyrating drum comes to a SCREECHING halt when the load is done.  Oh the irony of the so-called 'Quiet Series'!  On the up side, it lets me know when the washing is finished. :)  

Along with wireless for just about everything, this younger generation is also going cordless!  We have a cordless iron, and I feel very cool.  It works very well* actually, and I would highly recommend it to anyone!  We weren't quite brave enough to try a cordless vacuum (fear of the battery not being strong enough for good suction), but maybe someday...

Tired of hair on your carpet?  Here's a great trick that works really well for most kinds of carpet (works the best on indoor/outdoor and short-haired sorts of carpet, but also works for other kinds).  Just take a stiff bristled broom and sweep your carpet.  Yup, that's what I said!  Sweep it!  Brooms not only work on hard floors, they do great in a pinch to make the carpet look nicer if you only have a couple minutes!  All the hair collects on the broom and you take it off with your hand and dispose of it and -viola!- your carpet is magically hair-less!  Followed by a good vacuuming, your carpet will feel cleaner to a whole new dimension!

There is that verse in James about the tongue** that goes something like, "...if we have our tongue under control, we are able to keep our whole body in check".  I have found it to be very true in housekeeping as well.  If I have the dishes and laundry under control, I have the whole house in order!

Funny how biggest fear getting married was cooking; turns out I quite like cooking.  It's the cleanup (dishes) and the laundry I don't like! :P  But the cooking part... has turned out very well! :D

*the specific brand that we have
**James 3:2

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