Wednesday, May 15

Pregnancy Update!

Good news makes the heart happy! :)

Made it to my appointment PREGNANT!!!  Feels a little silly, but that was a huge victory in my mind!

Cervix hasn't changed and even though I am having some more contractions it is normal as you get farther along in your pregnancy and they are comfortable that I am attuned to my body to notice any major changes.  Almost 28 weeks which is a safe point for baby, so we are free to go home then!  (They also understand if we are more comfortable staying close to the hospital until 34 weeks.)

Now, to make it to 37 so I can have a HOME birth and a WATER birth!  And I am DETERMINED to do kangaroo care at birth at any point from here on - watch out, this mama will fight for her rights!

Here's to being home so I can see my cloth diapers (package should have arrived!), my ship friends can come visit and I shall be there to eat the asparagus that will be coming up soon!  Thank you, Jesus!


  1. Naomi! I really enjoy reading your blog! It makes it so easy to keep up with you and Ben! All the best for you both and the baby! xoxo

    1. Thanks for reading, Femke! I'm glad it helps keep my friends updated. :)
